This is a little house hidden somewhere in the abstract web which my cloned heart and brain are placed. Sure you will know me better if you stay here for a while

You will get to know me soon

You will get to know me soon
You will get to know me soon

Friday, July 18, 2008

Just moved in to Kolej Tun Ghafar Baba

You must be wondering why I just moved in to KTGB? Isn't the school already started for 2 weeks. Then...

你一定很好奇,为什么大学都已经开学两个星期了,我今天才来我的学生校舍报道。因为我原本没打算入住学生校舍。但基于种种的无奈因数和不得已,我决定搬入这间已为我预备好两个星期的双人房。它坐落在x2 block。
这房间,说实话,真不赖。由于我是住二楼,房间里头能直接有WifiUTM,可以直接上网,方便又没收费。 比起我在大学城租的房间,的确有它的吸引力。至少可以省下水费,电费,streamyx费用。
