This is a little house hidden somewhere in the abstract web which my cloned heart and brain are placed. Sure you will know me better if you stay here for a while

You will get to know me soon

You will get to know me soon
You will get to know me soon

Friday, January 8, 2010

It has been a while since i last posted my news.

Fight for few ringgit
“Why you never think of the reason I ask you to treat me?”, “You are not a good business man!” “You thought I can’t afford to pay that RM5.50?” “Did you ever treat me to a big meal sincerely before?”…
Just now, on the way back to UTM, both of us are quarreling for that plenty of ringgit. And of course, the ending is not good. With that kind of awful tone, he said those hurtful words mentioned above. That is him; I understood since few years ago. I just wonder, does it worth to have a war for that few ringgit of money? Isn’t it we are earning more money, yet, we are getting more stingy and more “counting”. No wonder people said, never argue with a person that doing business, cos he will count till the last drop or cents.
Now, I am going to tell him here for the reason why I want to tell you those thing is, I want to control my spends. Ask yourself, “You can spend RM200 in week, but I earn RM200 in one month, what is the different?” Let me help you answer. RM200 for you is just a tiny amount. But to me? RM200 is my one month income. I scarify my time, my energy for that RM200. But you? Simply make a call to your mum, and you can get RM500. No wonder, most of the friends that surrounding you more interested on your “wealth” instead of true friendship.
Another one thing I hope you can hear from here is that, you always think for yourself and you are always right. When you insist of something, that is the truth, we must obey. When you want to change something in a sudden, you will change it, and you insist that is correct too. Without any compromise, you can change you standard and rules in a second. You always said you are perfect. Indeed, I prove to you that, you aren’t. However, you certainly give a good reason which I never ready for. Still remember when you make the mistake previously, the reason you give me is “Oh, I make mistake because I haven’t gone through the information, if I had gone through, definitely it won’t have any mistake occurs.” I tell you, you are BULLSHIT!!!
Finally, try to think for a second, how to treat people, remember, people will treat you back in the same manner. Again, this is a universal rules which will never change throughout the eternity, “All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them”… Even though you never apply it to me (actually I don’t think so, in fact I had been treated for that since long time ago), yet, you should ready to be get paid.