This is a little house hidden somewhere in the abstract web which my cloned heart and brain are placed. Sure you will know me better if you stay here for a while

You will get to know me soon

You will get to know me soon
You will get to know me soon

Monday, June 23, 2008


因为我已经承认人生有起有落。 当它开始要跌的时候,我不会晓得,因为我已经承认了人生有起有落,我并不会意识到它现在是跌。只有跌到谷底时,我才会察觉我正处于DOWNTREND 所以你问我为什么低潮时我还是会高兴,让我告诉你,因为接下来,我要腾鹏飞起了。雨后总会有晴天。。。