This is a little house hidden somewhere in the abstract web which my cloned heart and brain are placed. Sure you will know me better if you stay here for a while

You will get to know me soon

You will get to know me soon
You will get to know me soon

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


The Signal Before Hurricane

Venue: Mersing seaside

Time: 7 June 2008

Picture: It's me and my friend, Abraham


It's taken when the sky going to rain and the wave blew up by the strong wind...

I m on my holiday with my christian friends at Mersing... We really enjoy the field service there as that area still got many people haven't heard the kingdom good news. So, like what Jesus said, it is a big field for us to harvest...

In Sri Malaysia chalet, Mersing branch

Before we set off for our back journey, we take a group photo... they are all my "family" members in JB and Singapore