人生就是要容许犯错和错误.这就是为什么我们需要对别人有包容和忍耐的心. 因为对别人的包容和宽恕就是对自己的的忍耐,并且为自己的无知过犯有更好的解放.
English version:
Life means to admit occurances of mistakes. That also become the reason why we need to forgive and tolerate with others for the sake of ourselves that one day it means to our toleration and excuse.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Forgive others
Posted by SIMON SIA at 7:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
我回来了 。回到大学城的住家. 现在有很多的感触。 因为种种原因。 才两个星期前,我心爱的家人还住在这。当时屋子里挤满了我所认识的,心爱的家人.热闹极了!虽然屋子不是我的,可是家人的存在,顿时间,这里好像诗巫的那间屋子。所以,屋子只是死物,有感情的家才是最重要的。没有屋子,有家人,就是一个家。可是,有屋子,里头却是孤独一人,那可是一个盖罢了,一点意义都没有。所以,现在躺的床,让我感到一阵家的温暖,因为这张床在两个星期前,是我家人睡过的。虽然只是坐在床上, 就觉得全身痒痒的,可是一想到家人在两个星期前睡过这床, 家的感觉都让我不顾虑这么多。突然好想家里的那张床。
九个小时之前,我还在东马的土地上。现在,却是和我家离个一千公里,中间隔着一个南中国海. 距离虽远, 但想家的心情,把我的心依然留在我家人那。所以, 一下飞机, 就个爸妈打了通电话报平安。虽然说是报平安, 但语气中却是带着绵绵不断的不舍。妈, 我真的不舍的你。我也知到你和爸, 跟我一样,很舍不得我, 我也是。在这九个小时里, 我就跟你们通了至少5次的电话。我知道,你们太疼我 ,不舍的我的离开,我也是。但逼于无奈,你们和我都明白,我长大了, 必须自己独立在外生活,不能再像以前那样,依赖着你们了。我知道你们是明白的这点的。所以才让我一个人出来西马过生活。妈,谢谢你精心给我装备的汤圆。临走前,其实我好想给你个拥抱,但我始终还是没做到,饶恕我的懦弱的胆怯去表达我内心对你的感恩。
Posted by SIMON SIA at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
To all my coursemates, undergraduates, postgraduates and workers:
To all my coursemates, undergraduates, postgraduates and workers:
PLEASE read the articles below...
I have highlighted what are the important points you need to know...
Word is the economy is not doing so hot. That can mean that even if you've been with the company for a while, you're not necessarily going to be there tomorrow. Of course, your company doesn't have to be on the brink of implosion for you to start taking steps to make yourself essential.
"Bulletproof Your Job," a new book by workplace guru Stephen Viscusi provides some strategies that might help you stay on the corporate ladder while everyone else is falling off. The author also has a nationally syndicated radio show called "On the Job" and his company, The Viscusi Group, is a top executive search firm.
Viscusi can be blunt in his recommendations, and the main thrust of the book all goes back to the simple question, "Does my boss like me?" In a nutshell, that's what keeping your job is all about. He breaks down the art of making sure you stay in his or her good graces like this:
Be Visible: Make sure your superiors see you and notice the work that you're doing -- even if it's all conveying the "perception" that you're extremely committed, energized and productive. This includes the old truism of arriving at work early and staying late; dressing up and looking professional (though not gaudy) at the office; paying attention to details; and volunteering to lead projects. Viscusi says to make sure you publicize your accomplishments and to be as rah-rah as you can muster when representing the company or talking to others.
Click here for three more Viscusi tips.
Be Easy: Viscusi points out, rightly, that bosses will keep in mind who the whiners and complainers on staff are when they do the firing. If there's an opportunity to rid the office of some negative energy, many bosses will take it. So leave your problems at home, don't mouth off, don't behave like an ass and don't talk smack about your co-workers. Everything you do in the office is helping to create a perception of you, so you want to make sure that you are perceived as someone who is positive, upbeat and dependable; not the person who is always making things unpleasant.
Be Useful: Part of being a model employee is being helpful to others. You want to show that you're not only essential in the work you do yourself, but that you're also helping to promote the work of others. Viscusi says that this includes being a mentor and helping to train others; being specialized enough that you're needed for specific tasks, but also having the flexibility to do other stuff when you're asked to; taking responsibilities on and coming up with new initiatives; and working hard to do whatever you can to add value to the company.
Be Ready: Stuff happens, and you need to be able to adapt to changing circumstances, so don't stop thinking about the long-term viability of your career, even when your job seems to be secure. Viscusi says it's important to make sure you've got some money in the bank to hedge against an unexpected job loss; keep your resume up-to-date; get to know a good recruiter and keep yourself on the back burner of their mind; know what's going on in your industry and be aware of when there may be an opportunity elsewhere; and keep trying to learn new skills.
Posted by SIMON SIA at 12:25 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Beijing 2008 Olympic
谁在电视上看到还有字了= =如果不是这组照片,没去现场的近40亿人,谁知道上面还有行字?
From Beijing Olympic 1
From Beijing Olympic 1
From Beijing Olympic 1
From Beijing Olympic 1 From Beijing Olympic 1
From Beijing Olympic 1
From Beijing Olympic 1 From Beijing Olympic 1
From Beijing Olympic 1
From Beijing Olympic 1
From Beijing Olympic 1
From Beijing Olympic 1
From Beijing Olympic 1 From Beijing Olympic 1
From Beijing Olympic 1
From Beijing Olympic 1
From Beijing Olympic 1
From Beijing Olympic 1
![]() |
From Beijing Olympic 1 |
![]() |
From Beijing Olympic 1 |
Posted by SIMON SIA at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Olympic Beijing 2008
第一:靠近新加坡。从大学城乘搭公共巴士,只要RM3.60,就可以到新山的马来西亚关口。距离大概是20公里,可是又于搭公车,所以需要大约一小时时间才能抵达。可是如果你自己开车,只需要10~到15分钟就可以到新山市区。过了新柔长提(Causeway Link) 就是新加坡的移民厅关口。所以如果你有护照,又喜欢旅游,可以每隔几个星期去一趟新加坡。
第三:新山市是一个新兴的大城市,也许没有吉隆坡繁华,没有槟城的昌盛,可是未来几年,他肯定会有不少的进步。为什么呢?原因是,政府在几年前就决定重力开发新山,成为马来西亚的深圳。由于地理位子靠近新加坡,又西邻马六甲海峡,东面南中国海,所以在港口方面可以说是天赐的厚礼。因此大马政府决定在新山刮出一个地区,实行一个名为 依斯干达经济特区Iskandar 的计划,目的就是吸引更多外国的投资者在这里设厂,特别是新加坡。而新加坡方面也对这计划表示支持,因为比较起在中国设厂,毕竟新山只隔了一条海峡,新国的投资商可以很有效的监督他们的工厂。当然更大的目标是瞄向西方的大企业,因为据说在这个计划中,政府提供十年的免税优惠给外国的公司,而且完全免除了一贯的30%的土著拥有股权。所以,你自己评平看,到时的本地就业机会会是怎样(如果不要,还有新加坡可以考虑)?在籍的学弟们,眼观除了独到,也要看长远的未来。
quoted from: http://www.e-dyn.org/spaces/viewthread_26389.html
就当凭以上三点,你认为,如果要选择升学的地点,除了大学的声誉,是不是也要同时考虑大学的地理位子呢?坐落在离新山不远的工艺大学(Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM)就有它的优势了。
Posted by SIMON SIA at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
My life is IN RISK!!!
I am facing the risk of losing my life! Last night, I nearly committed in an accident! I rided motorcycle to my christian meeting at Bkt Indah as usual. When my motorcycle came across to a slope, somewhere near Tun Aminah and Selesa Jaya, I accelerated my speed. Suddenly, the White Proton Wira which I followed since the traffic light before slow down. I didn't expect the change. When i realize, i tried to pull my brake, both rear and front. However, it didn't work fast to stop my motorcycle. My mind also reminded me of the cars that may knock me from behind. So, i thought of switching my motor into the left side path. But! A car came with a high speed hon! It reminded me of its existance and it is on its high speed motion shuttle toward me from my back! Oh No! Without a second thought, I quickly turned back to the right path. Then... "how, if i didn't do anything now, my motorcycle would go straight into the Proton Wira in front of me!" I talked to myself! But then, i really can't do anything besides waiting any miracle to happen!
Luckily, the wira moves front a bit... only then, i don't going into it and become a superman!
Honestly, as a motorcyclist in city, I never know when will I fall down and commit in a accident, and will it be a severe injury... better it is only minor hurt or the best is never commit in that, then thanks God.
Posted by SIMON SIA at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
I dreamt of my home just now!
You must be wondering why I use "dreamt", instead of miss! Honestly, it is what I meant! I slept around 4:45 pm til 7pm, because I was really tire due to last night late rest!
Posted by SIMON SIA at 4:32 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Fortune: Do you grab it?
Posted by SIMON SIA at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Jehovah... My heavenly father...
Do you know how much I love you...
Posted by SIMON SIA at 7:36 PM 0 comments
My DC in Melaka
Posted by SIMON SIA at 5:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
再转变!-->又转去Kolej 10
再转变!我又再转宿舍了。现在居住在K10的单人房。这次可是我这学期第三间宿舍房了,也是我最满意的房间。因为之前住过的KTGB,或KTC,都是双人房, KTGB虽然给我一个人住双人房,当由于它离学校上课地点太远(大约3公里),因此,我被迫搬离他,回去我的老地方,就是KTC。在KTC,我跟我认识的朋友共用一间双人房。虽然偶尔能收少无线上网的Line,但因为室友的个性的怪脾气,总与,我们俩只做了5天的室友就散了,各自单飞了。虽然他因我的决定而很生气,当我只能说,这是出于无奈。因为我不想天天跟他因意见不和而吵架。所以,我忍下心来,无论他怎么说我,批评我,说我利用他完之后就把他撇下,我都不理。因为这时刻,有比这更重要的东西我必须去争取,那就是自由。
单人房,是自由的象征。你要知道,几乎住在这里的学生都很渴望自己住单人房,而我肯定不会放过这难得的机会。说不定,在大学里的四年宿舍生活,只有今年有得住单人房!所以,我非得要好好珍惜这难得的机会,其他的不管了。况且,宿舍主任也很大方,给我自己挑选我要的房间,还给我机会先去看看那间我比较喜欢。最后,我选了一间,我个人非常满意的房间。这间单人房,靠近大门,方便赶巴士,而且,离厕所的距离不会太远,也不会太近而吵闹。 最重要的是我的房间可以直接通过宿舍提供的免费无线上网服务能轻而易举的就连上网际网络,方便我在房间作我的课业。简直就是,么达顶!而且,最近又发现到一个更令我喜出望外的是,楼下有免费的热水冷水过滤器+付费食水过滤器+星洲日报!
Taman Universiti--> Kolej Tun Ghafar Baba, KTGB (Double room)--> Kolej Tuanku Canselor, KTC (Double room)-- finally --> Kolej 10
Posted by SIMON SIA at 8:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: Kolej 10
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Posted by SIMON SIA at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: daddy, I love you, mum, Parents
Friday, July 18, 2008
Just moved in to Kolej Tun Ghafar Baba
You must be wondering why I just moved in to KTGB? Isn't the school already started for 2 weeks. Then...
你一定很好奇,为什么大学都已经开学两个星期了,我今天才来我的学生校舍报道。因为我原本没打算入住学生校舍。但基于种种的无奈因数和不得已,我决定搬入这间已为我预备好两个星期的双人房。它坐落在x2 block。
这房间,说实话,真不赖。由于我是住二楼,房间里头能直接有WifiUTM,可以直接上网,方便又没收费。 比起我在大学城租的房间,的确有它的吸引力。至少可以省下水费,电费,streamyx费用。
Posted by SIMON SIA at 2:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: Kolej Tun Ghafar Baba
Monday, July 14, 2008
21 years old... It means much
My 21 st journery had just started.
I had came to this world for 21 years and 1 hour. But i still have thousand and thousand miles to walk for my future. I still need to serve my dearest God, Jehovah, Care my beloved family, work to sustain my own life and perhaps, match with a my darling. Hehe...
Why, life is like this, seem like planned prepared. You just need to follow it. If you refuse, then you will become a very "special" human, either like Bill Gates so well-known for his brilliant achievement, or be a strange people who are rejected by our community. The problem is, do you dare to be different.
21 years old really means a lot. I can do my own decision starting now onward, meanwhile it bring me much responsibility. If I do something wrong, then I have to bear all the responsibility.
21 years old
15 July 2008
Posted by SIMON SIA at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: 21 years old, Dare to be different
Saturday, July 12, 2008
GOing to 21 YEARs OLD我就快要21岁了。。。
Countdown to 15 July 2008.... 48 hours to go...
21 years old
It means a lot to everyone... And it is a memorable day to every teenagers included me.
Posted by SIMON SIA at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: 21 years old
Friday, July 11, 2008
Just back from school... Attended the 6pm-7pm class
PROOF! I had cleaned my table!
After the cleaning... So nice walking on the dustless floor.
This is the proof! I swept the floor and then used dust pan to collect the dust... Then dumped it in the plastic bag in the blue basket. Don't be cheated! This is the last pack of dust and rubbish, actually I had thrown 3 packs before that. Only leave this now.
Just finish do the entire cleaning of my room. Wa... suddenly I found that my room is big. Because it took me one half day to do the cleaning from 11am to 5.30pm. I start after I came back from class this morning which was held from 8 to 9am only. Then, I ended before 5:45pm, because I need to get ready for my another class at 6pm. This class's arrangement is totally unmatched with out time table. Because for the whole friday, we only have 2 class.One of them is tutorial which is at 8am to 9am. Then this onewhich is lecture from 6pm to 7pm. A big gap between these two classess. That why we ask to change the last class. Cos, during that time, it is quite late, and eveyone is rushing back, yet only us who rush for class. And before the class end, got guard who are responsible for locking the door came and chase us. Huhu, I guess Lecturer himself will feel embarrass and definitely he will try to switch this class to another time because he also complaint that the air-cond had been switched off because normally no more lecture at this kind of time, especially friday evening.
Posted by SIMON SIA at 4:33 AM 1 comments
Labels: clean room, lecture, my room, new lifestyle
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
My little cousins
I got two little cousins, who are still study in kindergarden. Both of them are smart and cute. Last few week when I back to Sibu, I got chance to meet this two kids. One is boy, another one is girl. The boy is very smart and naughty, he can argue with you with his fluent Mandarin (he is only 6 years old, my goodness!), and most of the time I can't stand his cute style and of course, I will surrender. He likes to play my computer's games. He even ask his mother to send him to my house foe my computer's game the day my flight back to Johor Bahru in the evening. He is too cute.
For the girl, she is younger than the boy. So, she is not so talkactive, but a quiet girl. Last time, she was very afraid of people except her parents. So everytime I aproach to, try to play with her, she will definitely run away. But this time, she change a lot. She even come forward to me, and allow me to hug her. See the pictures! Hehe, no choice, because I am a very friendly brother mah...
Posted by SIMON SIA at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: my little cousins
Just drove my friend's Kancil back from Johor Bahru.
I stay at Taman Universiti, Skudai. It is around 25km from Johor Bahru. Even though the distance is a bit far, it only took me around 20 minutes to fly back from Johor Bahru (JB) town to Taman Universiti because it is straight high way without any traffic light junction.
Actually, I went to Hospital Sultanah Aminah with my friend, Zhong Xiang. We used his Kancil which moves using water!!! It is because his car just modified and now he can save 20% of fuel monthly. That is because he just modified his car with a new engine that can move using Petrol mixed with water. So, isn't it amazing? And his car is one of the first group of cars used for testing this new technology. I feel PROUD!
Hospital Sultanah Aminah real look.
The story is... We have a friend, JianHao who are a doctor working in the emergency department in the main hospital of Johor Bahru, that is Hospital Sultanah Aminah. We went there to meet him because my friend need to take his car there. Tomorrow, Zhong Xiang will bring JianHao's car to workshop for checking because JianHao want to sell his Wira car as he got another new car, Honda Civic.
Now, you know the distance between Johor Bahru town with Singapore Island? You can even swim to Singapore. But better don't try, or else you will in trouble.
What I want to express it that, On my way back, I feel proud and lucky of myself. It is because, I guess none of my friends can as freedom and independence as I. I stay outside UTM. And I know to the almost all the main traffic JB here, even though I am not from JB. Moreover, I feel that I can stay here after graduate. Unlike my friends who are not so lucky as I. They need to stay in UTM, like being being put in prison. ( I am sorry if you are one of them, but i didn't mean to backstab you, in fact, I have that kind of feeling and I dislike it). For them, Johor = University, place to study only. No fun. That why I can fully understand why most of them won't stat here once the school holiday start. Most of them prefer to go back. Because once the holiday start, the university almost like a abandoned town, no people stay in the block. And since no school, and no people, no friends there, do you think they will stay in Johor. Definitely they will back to their own hometown, because there are nothing to do here unless you got join any program in school during the school holiday and you are keen to do so. Otherwise, i guess you will quit the program and go home. Am i right?
For sure, if I am given a option to choose, I will pick Johor to be my place to stay and work after I graduated. But so far, i still can't guarantee this as tomorrow never know. I will try my best.
Posted by SIMON SIA at 3:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: car move with water, Fuel mixed with water, Hospital, Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Place to stay after graduated, Taman Universiti, UTM
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Just back to JB
Just come back to JB after 1 week rest at Sibu, my hometown. My flight departed on time and arrived earlier at 6:55pm just now at Senai Airport.
School is going to reopen at this coming Monday. Tomorrow need to settle a lot of things regarding the new hostel at Kolej Ghafar Baba, UTM. But one thing cheered me is that, going to meet the class very soon. New semester indicates a new begin. Hope this coming semester will have a higher achievement.
Posted by SIMON SIA at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Back to JB, Kolej Tun Ghafar Baba, Sibu
Friday, July 4, 2008
Streamyx service is available in my new house... Yuppi. Faster connection and surfing experience
Today, 5 July 2008
Now i can access to internet via wireless streamyx. We had applied for this service at our new house, but only until today, the service had just provide to our house due to last time this area is a new area and no telephone connection and also no streamyx signal at all. So we used to be using celcom broadband. But after we used it for few months, we found that its service is not stable and poor. The speed is slow and always disconnected escpecially after midnight.
But now, we have streamyx connection in our house with 512kbps. Ok lah~
Posted by SIMON SIA at 10:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: 512k, celcom broadband, streamyx, wireless connection
Monday, June 30, 2008
30 JUNE 2008--> 37 days to go... Olympic Beijing 2008
Countdown 37 more days!
Olympic Beijing 2008
Posted by SIMON SIA at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: 30 June 2008, Olympic, Olympic Beijing 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
I'm back to Sibu.我回来了。
"Lady and gentleman, may I have you attention please. Calling for all the passengers of AK5754, going to Sibu. The flight is ready for boarding, please queue up in gate 4."
Departure Time: 飞机在1525时间,准时起飞。

Sibu airport
checking Sibu flight: http://www.flightstats.com/go/Airport/airportDetails.do?airportCode=SBW
For more details about Sibu airport: click here http://www.thelex.com/sibu/airport/
Posted by SIMON SIA at 9:17 AM 1 comments
Labels: I left Sarawak, I'm back to Sibu, Senai Airport, Sibu, Sibu airport, 诗巫,诗巫机场,士乃机场,回家,AK5754. Airasia
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tiger Beer...
I drank Tiger Beer. This is my frist time drinking beer with my friends.

Initially, we planed to buy some duty free beer at The ZON, which is a famous duty free shopping complex in Johor Bahru. However, we failed to get even a single can of beer, except Chocolate. This is because, the new regulations of custom Malaysia will charge tax on every single alcohol drinks no matter it is beer or wine. For last time, everyone is allowed to bring out maximum 6 cans of beer without duty charged. So, we didn't buy any beer at last.

When we went for our crab dinner later, we were still missing the beers. So, I offered my friends. And he ordered Tiger Beer for us. So, two bottles for 3 of us because i never drink Tiger beer before. So, i just get one cup for testing. Now, I can accept it, and honestly, I think I begin to like it, or a bit addicted.
Posted by SIMON SIA at 10:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Crab Dinner, Stulang Laut, The Zon, Tiger beer
Monday, June 23, 2008
因为我已经承认人生有起有落。 当它开始要跌的时候,我不会晓得,因为我已经承认了人生有起有落,我并不会意识到它现在是跌。只有跌到谷底时,我才会察觉我正处于DOWNTREND。 所以你问我为什么低潮时我还是会高兴,让我告诉你,因为接下来,我要腾鹏飞起了。雨后总会有晴天。。。
Posted by SIMON SIA at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: 人生
Do you know how beautiful Tioman Island?
Posted by SIMON SIA at 6:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: beautiful island, Pulau Tioman, Tioman Island
Saturday, June 21, 2008
MISC Engagement Program 18-19 JUNE 2008 (Kuala Lumpur)
I just came back from MISC Engagement Program yesterday early morning around 1am which the program is held in KL. It been a very memorable two days program which allow us to know our future company after we graduated 3 more years from UTM.
Program for today is mostly located in KL, our main building, Dayabumi Bangunan, which is adjacent to Puduraya Bus terminal. We have our whole day seminar and briefing in this building, of course, except those, we have our tea break, questions and answer sections and lunch.
This is MISC main building in Kuala Lumpur, Bangunan Dayabumi.
Most of the time we are at Pulau Indah for visiting MLH (one of MISC's branch) and Westport.
WEDNESDAY, 18 June 2008
0830 am – 0900 am Registration
0900 am – 0915 am Welcome Remarks
0915 am – 1030 am Teambuilding. My-EC
1030 am – 1100 am Tea Break
1100 am – 1300 pm A Journey Through Time
Group Corporate Affairs
1300 pm – 1400 pm Lunch
1400 pm – 1430 pm Standing Tall
1430 pm – 1450 pm Questions and Answers Session
1450 pm – 1520 pm Keeping Tab
1520 pm – 1540 pm Tea Break
1540 pm – 1620 pm We Are Family / Merdeka Award Video
1620 pm – 1630 pm Questions and Answers Session
1630pm END OF DAY 1
THURSDAY, 19 June 2008
0900 am – 1000 am Journey to Pulau Indah
1000 am Arrival at MILS, Pulau Indah
1030 am – 1230 pm Briefing and Tour
1230 pm – 1400 pm Lunch
1400 pm – 1600 pm Ship Visit (Tentative)
1600 pm – 1700 pm Journey Back to KL
* Pulau Indah is located near Port Klang. It is around 1 and half hour from KL. Before that, Pulau Indah is known as Pulau Lumut. But later, they change the name to Pulau Indah due to there is another place in Perak also known as Lumut. So, to avoid any confusion, they use the name-Pulau Indah, and sometime, they call it, Fantasy Island. You may search in GOOGLE Map for its exact location.

MISC newly established warehouse in Pulau Indah, called MLH. It has many new record for this new building. And do you know that, inside there, got one big store, warehouse, which is a frozen chamfer with temperature is -25 degree celcius... You can only stay inside for less than 5 minutes, otherwise, if you don't get out, you will freeze to death.

West Port, it is adjacent to our MILS Logistics Hub (MLH) building in Pulau Indah.

MILS Logistic Hub (MLH) building, taken from WestPort Main building.

Westport's high post staff explained to us while we are sitting in the bus for visiting the Westport. We are not allowed to leave the bus, however we are only allowed to stay in the busdue to the safety problem, becos we are not yet trained engineers, still fresh.

Briefing in the Westport conference room before leaving for port tour.

The Westport... It is operating...
Posted by SIMON SIA at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: Dayabumi, MISC Berhad, MISC engagement program, Port Klang, Puduraya, Pulau Indah