This is a little house hidden somewhere in the abstract web which my cloned heart and brain are placed. Sure you will know me better if you stay here for a while

You will get to know me soon

You will get to know me soon
You will get to know me soon

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Maxis broadband

I just did maxis broadband speed test at at 6.18pm 25th February 2010 at K10 UTM Skudai area.
This is my first time doing the test on maxis broadband for the package RM48 per month.
My comment is excellent. However, this broadband i just subscribed, so i am not sure will it last for such an excellent connection condition in the future.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


昨晚是星期三.原本就是闲得无事做.大约八点,给朋友打完了电话,就突然很想去吃那附近刚开Burger King.因为那天收到传单,一杯汽水加一个汉包堡WHOPPER,另外,临时拮据前,又加上一杯BK Cone Ice-cream...就这样,第一次一个人吃Burger King,因为之前在新加坡时,和朋友一起吃过,不过,当时并不觉得什么特别好吃.可是,昨晚的第二次,让我爱上了"我选我味"Burger King.(现在还想去再去吃呢~)

晚餐就这样,马马虎虎的解决,但是确实是我人生一个大发现...原来Burger King的汉包堡这么好吃...也许以后不吃KFCMcD了...





Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How will you treat her car?













昨天晚上,在朋友家过夜,因为有烧烤会,BBQ,好热闹.而且食物多到两轮硬塞才吃完,(因为我们都主张,不可浪费食物,想想亚齐的人(Orang Acheh).当然,朋友之间的交往更有意义.而且,又认识到一个新朋友(新加坡人).从他的谈话中,了解到很多单身弟兄的生活方式.(原来住在城市里的单身族都是在办公室里啃面包和喝咖啡,理由是咖啡能够提神去睡意,啃面包,应该是最经济方便的).听他说到,他六点四十五分最出门去上班(好早哦,跟我一起上学时间一样.我以为以后做工了,都可以睡到七点半,反正大部分公司的上班时间是九点).他说他驾车去上班(在新加坡,这可是很少人会这样),原因是,下班时间,如果供乘地铁,太多人,受不了.新加坡有Electronic Road Pricing (ERP),就是公路使用费.操作时间是上班的繁忙时段(0730-0800), 如果不在七点半前赶到公司,那就难逃这些ERP的过路费.所以,他虽然是九点上班,可是不得不在七点半前抵达公司,除非选用公共交通,比如巴士或地铁(不过别忘了,上班下班都得跟大家挤在一起,又是要等和排队)


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Today, just another normal day...

Just have the chance to chat with my cousin, who just back from Shanghai... after 1 year not coming back due to studying Medicine there, he only managed to go back to hometown during CNY with full of expectation that... (i guess),
1) Family can reunion,

2) Able to meet me...

3) Able to meet those cousins who are also staying far away in other places, like KL

4) To gather and chit chat things that happened throughout the year

However, this is what he posted at Windows Live Messenger, which is out of my thought-->

"As we grow up..

the expectation for cny become less and less

the feeling for it become not so strong as childhood

In fact, he is right... I can feel it too.

Maybe this is one of the symptom of growth (or in a rude way, AGING)...

岁月,是那么的残忍... 抹杀了我们每个人童年时候的赤子之心







Saturday, February 13, 2010





我的哭声,妈在电话里是听不到的.因为我死命的压住,尝试用正常的语音保持通话.可是,好几次,我逼不得已,把听筒拿开,怕的就是给妈知道... 妈,其实,我内心里很想告诉你们,




courtesy to Teresa (facebook)





Friday, February 12, 2010

Never trust your friend

Never trust your friend... especially your good friend. Indeed, sometime, friend is fiend.

When they need your help, they will approach you and said...

"You are my only friend, if not you, then who? Friend should help each other no matter how worst the condition, this is called friendship."

So, you will definitely ended up with helping him no matter how, because you believe the phrase, "A friend indeed is a friend in need."

Next time, when you need his help... and you expecting he will definitely help you...


He will said this:" Hey, I don't care. That is your problem. I can only..."

Then you will reply, "you are my friend, if not you then who?"

Then, these words will come out from his mouth....
"If you are my true friend, you should help me willingly, no matter how, and dont expect people to pay back/reward you after you help someone. "

And, for sure, you will end up with silence...

Previous part: "Friend indeed should help friend who needs help"
Later part: "True friend should not ask for pay back"

Yes, this is called "TRUE FRIENDSHIP"... Now I understood.

Friday, January 22, 2010



Tuesday, January 12, 2010


大学生,考的不止是那学术文凭. 事实上,四年的大学生涯,也在考着我们人际关系. 以前,我可是一位独行者,就算是再大的困难,我都能熬得过去.问题越大 我就越是撑强. 所以说,我的名字可是一个品牌,course mates当中,我是很好的组员. 凡是同我一组的,分数都不回差到那里去. 因为, 我有能力,用我独门绝招来拯救我的组.

可是,这学期,不知怎么了,对自己的能力开始怀疑. 对身边很多事都提不起劲. 人际关系就是其一.我觉得, 这就是失. 因为,我整天都在外赚外块.身边的朋友和伴,离我越来越远.我们没有什么共同的话题, 除了功课以外. 我很难想象,如果情况再这样下去,我是不是会出事.

最近忙着租车的生意,把自己的大部分时间和精力都投了给它.课业对我来说,根本就是兼职. 当然,这行业也给我认识很多人,顾客和新的工作伙伴. 原本想,有了这个新伙伴,总于可以多个伴,可是一起出街,shopping,聊天,,看戏和吃饭,可是,经过一段日子,我对他这新交的朋友,也只能说,失望透顶,根本就不领情., 我的死党和我,最近都在因一些小事闹得不愉快. 所以,我就尽量减少跟他来往.所以,连他这个伴都少了.看来以后,我还是要回到孤零零的生活,一个人吃饭,一个人走街,shopping,一个人去JUSCO, 一个人上网.

Friday, January 8, 2010

It has been a while since i last posted my news.

Fight for few ringgit
“Why you never think of the reason I ask you to treat me?”, “You are not a good business man!” “You thought I can’t afford to pay that RM5.50?” “Did you ever treat me to a big meal sincerely before?”…
Just now, on the way back to UTM, both of us are quarreling for that plenty of ringgit. And of course, the ending is not good. With that kind of awful tone, he said those hurtful words mentioned above. That is him; I understood since few years ago. I just wonder, does it worth to have a war for that few ringgit of money? Isn’t it we are earning more money, yet, we are getting more stingy and more “counting”. No wonder people said, never argue with a person that doing business, cos he will count till the last drop or cents.
Now, I am going to tell him here for the reason why I want to tell you those thing is, I want to control my spends. Ask yourself, “You can spend RM200 in week, but I earn RM200 in one month, what is the different?” Let me help you answer. RM200 for you is just a tiny amount. But to me? RM200 is my one month income. I scarify my time, my energy for that RM200. But you? Simply make a call to your mum, and you can get RM500. No wonder, most of the friends that surrounding you more interested on your “wealth” instead of true friendship.
Another one thing I hope you can hear from here is that, you always think for yourself and you are always right. When you insist of something, that is the truth, we must obey. When you want to change something in a sudden, you will change it, and you insist that is correct too. Without any compromise, you can change you standard and rules in a second. You always said you are perfect. Indeed, I prove to you that, you aren’t. However, you certainly give a good reason which I never ready for. Still remember when you make the mistake previously, the reason you give me is “Oh, I make mistake because I haven’t gone through the information, if I had gone through, definitely it won’t have any mistake occurs.” I tell you, you are BULLSHIT!!!
Finally, try to think for a second, how to treat people, remember, people will treat you back in the same manner. Again, this is a universal rules which will never change throughout the eternity, “All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them”… Even though you never apply it to me (actually I don’t think so, in fact I had been treated for that since long time ago), yet, you should ready to be get paid.