This is a little house hidden somewhere in the abstract web which my cloned heart and brain are placed. Sure you will know me better if you stay here for a while

You will get to know me soon

You will get to know me soon
You will get to know me soon

Friday, February 12, 2010

Never trust your friend

Never trust your friend... especially your good friend. Indeed, sometime, friend is fiend.

When they need your help, they will approach you and said...

"You are my only friend, if not you, then who? Friend should help each other no matter how worst the condition, this is called friendship."

So, you will definitely ended up with helping him no matter how, because you believe the phrase, "A friend indeed is a friend in need."

Next time, when you need his help... and you expecting he will definitely help you...


He will said this:" Hey, I don't care. That is your problem. I can only..."

Then you will reply, "you are my friend, if not you then who?"

Then, these words will come out from his mouth....
"If you are my true friend, you should help me willingly, no matter how, and dont expect people to pay back/reward you after you help someone. "

And, for sure, you will end up with silence...

Previous part: "Friend indeed should help friend who needs help"
Later part: "True friend should not ask for pay back"

Yes, this is called "TRUE FRIENDSHIP"... Now I understood.